
The Tales of Lisan(n) Carpenter

There are two Lisan Carpenters in Azeroth.

One is old – she is an RPG heroine, the one who somehow is always in the middle of the story, the one killing the legendary big bads (well, some of the time).  She didn’t strike the killing blow on the Lich King, but she was helping keep the person that did alive.  She was face to face with Deathwing as the heroes of Azeroth brought him down.  She co-owns a bear farm in Dun Morogh with Fizzy Stouthammer, where she spends her time when she’s not chasing her draenei girlfriend Raisa all across creation, keeping her safe.

Lisan has never been properly RP’d, though I have written stories about her and she has a story and a history, because she never existed on an RP server.

Starcaller Lisan
Starcaller, Kingslayer, Savior of Azeroth

There is another Lisan Carpenter, who I’ll call Lisann because that’s how her name is spelled in-game, and she is very new.  She has much the same story as the original flavor, but somewhat different, because I finally, FINALLY am playing her again, after having transferred her to my active server, Emerald Dream.  And, since she’s now on an RP server, in an RP guild, with the intent of being RP’d, I had to change some things.

Starcaller by technicality only.

If you’re not particularly interested in how Lisan’s story has changed, or in my backstory for my character, feel free to move along, no hard feelings – I’m doing this post for myself as much as for any of my readers (tho I love you dearly).


Lisann Carpenter was born in Lordaeron’s Capital City, to an unmarried young woman who’d hooked up with a Gilnean soldier and decided she wasn’t ready to marry or be a mother.  Lis doesn’t know this about herself – all she knows is that she grew up in Capital City, in an orphanage.  It wasn’t an awful childhood by any stretch, though she didn’t have much – and when she was 15 or so she finally got taken on as a trainee, of sorts, by a Paladin of the Silver Hand, because she wanted to be a paladin very badly.

She never had a particularly noteworthy faith, mind you, though she obviously worshiped and believed in the Light.  It was more that the ideals and symbolism of being a paladin appealed to her.  She wanted to be a light in dark places, to protect those who needed it (something she’d done among the children at the orphanage for years already), and, frankly, to be a hero.

When she was finally deemed ready and underwent the ceremony that imbued her with the Light, it was a bit of a rushed and sadly un-celebrated affair, because the Scourge had recently emerged and they needed every paladin they could get, and she was put into action basically immediately.

The Third War was very hard on her.  She’d been idealistic and full of hope when it began – after the destruction of her homeland, the betrayal of her beloved prince, the death of everyone she cared about when Arthas took Capital City for the Scourge, and the loss of so many of her brothers- and sisters-in-arms (including her own mentor)… well, she kept her faith, but it was a near thing for a while there.  She initially joined the Crusade in the Eastern Plaguelands, under Abbendis, and left with those members who went on to form the Argent Dawn.  Lisann, however, had been jaded by the betrayal of Arthas and now the likely betrayal of the leadership of the Crusade, and while she wished her brothers and sisters well, she left the Plaguelands and traveled south, to Stormwind and beyond.

She wandered, for a while, helping people in need when she could and largely acting as a healer for isolated settlements and rural towns who had none.  It wasn’t until the reopening of the Dark Portal that she finally roused herself into action, offering her services to serve alongside the Alliance troops traveling to Outland.  She continued largely being a healer, supplementing the priests back at bases, and going out with patrols and strike forces to help keep them going.  Unfortunately, at some point the gnomish technology they’d been relying on had an unexpected… hiccup, we’ll say, and began glitching, temporarily and then (unfortunately for Lisann) permanently altering the people passing through a certain teleporter.  Lisann went from being a human to being a dwarf – at least physically – and though they assured her it would “most likely wear off in anywhere from an hour to a month!”, she has been the same ever since.

She didn’t take it well, initially, and ended up staying in Shattrath for the majority of the campaign against Kael’thas and Illidan.  She befriended a fair number of draenei there, and came to accept that even if she didn’t particularly like it, she was still able to do what she cared about – helping people in need – as a dwarf.

By the time the campaign in Northrend against the Lich King’s forces began, she’d more or less settled into her new skin, and was ready to face down the forces she’d fought against for so long, that had destroyed everything she’d held dear.  She hopped around from front to front, offering her services as a healer and knight where it was needed, sometimes carrying messages or helping find missing troops.  She ended up helping Brann Bronzebeard and his people with their exploration of Ulduar, though again, she wasn’t part of the forward push, staying at the staging area and helping keep people on their feet as they slowly pushed though the Titan facility.

She briefly joined the Argent Crusade in Icecrown, for the chance to be part of the battle in the Citadel, but once Arthas was defeated, she left the Crusade, not being comfortable with the constant reminders of where she came from, and what she’d lost.  Arthas’ death left her feeling sort of at loose ends, because it was the one thing she’d kept pushing on for.  She took some time to  recover from the months in the frozen north and returned to Stormwind, where she sought to find a new purpose for herself.  Unfortunately, she sustained serious injuries when Deathwing razed the city, that left her on a long and difficult road to recovery.

She finally reached the point where she could handle the exertion and strain of taking up arms again only weeks before the Legion attacks, and found herself left in Stormwind when the Alliance’s elite troops went to the Broken Shore.  She took the death of Varian as well in stride as she could, given the fact that he was her adopted monarch, but her time in Stormwind had brought her in contact with Prince Anduin a few times at the Cathedral, and she has every faith that he will be a strong and capable king.

So, her faith strengthened by the time she spent largely in the Cathedral during her recovery, and her body back in fighting form, she is more than ready to take her blade to the forces of the Legion, however she can do so.  She has very little, in terms of close friends or adopted family, trying to protect herself from the pain of losing someone close to her again, but she is filled with determination.

Such Determine.

So yeah, THAT IS LISANN.  It’s kind of sad, because she doesn’t have (or has lost) friends and partners who have meant so much to the original version of her, but I am very very very looking forward to playing her off actual RPers.

PvP · Roleplay

7th Legion, 73rd Company, 1st Platoon

So I joined an RP guild on Emerald Dream (US), which is an RP-PvP server.  <The Seventy Third> is a military guild, and as evidenced by the title of this post, we are the 73rd Company of the 7th Alliance Legion.  It’s been less than a week but I am having a lot of fun with them. :)

So, this is Mac:

Don’t mind the hair clipping through her helmet, it’s… a Wildhammer thing?

Full name Innes Macdara, called Mac by friends and Ango by family.  It’s not random, I swear – Ango is a family in-joke.  Her parents assumed before she was born that she’d be a boy like her six older brothers, and they were all set to name her Angus.  Thus, Ango.  (Innes is actually a feminine version of Angus, but y’all don’t want to hear about all the tetchy reasons I picked her name.)  Her dad was from Ironforge originally, but moved up to Wildhammer country for one reason or another, fell in love with a Wildhammer girl, married her, and had… well, Mac and her brothers.  She didn’t really connect to her dad’s side of the family until she was an adult, and definitely considers herself more a Wildhammer than a Bronzebeard.

She’s an arms warrior, running around Azeroth (and beyond, technically) with granddad’s trusty warhammer, her hair in braids, and the gryphon she helped raise from a wee chick.  She’s friendly and loves to laugh, and I am absolutely STRUGGLING to level her through Outland right now.  It sucks ass.

Anyway, like I said, I joined this guild about a week ago kind of on a whim – I’ve been missing RP, and it’s so hard to really build long-term walk-up RP, and my one RP partner doesn’t currently have game time, so I was poking around the forums for RP guild ads.  I decided I wanted to check out whatever RP-PvP server was the most lively (if any) because I remembered there was a somewhat different atmosphere on the RP-PvP servers back in the day.

Now, back in 2010, Twisting Nether and The Venture Co. were the servers to go for if you were going for an RP-PvP server.  I honestly never heard anyone even MENTION Emerald Dream, but apparently that’s where the RP is at these days, so I went to check their forum for guild recruitment posts.  And right up near the top was a recruitment thread from a couple or three years ago that seemed to still be up-to-date and active.  The post itself was pretty average – not bad by any stretch, but it seemed very much your standard Military-themed RP guild recruitment post.  And then at the bottom, added almost like an afterthought, was a youtube link labelled “recruitment video”.

Holy.  Fuckin.  Shit, y’all.

See, I’ve only seen a handful of recruitment vids for guilds, but all of them inevitably are taking themselves rather seriously.  And I get it, you’re trying to be dramatic, but it mostly ends up being unintentionally funny.  Sorry, guys, it’s really hard to make a serious recruitment vid that WORKS, apparently.  But this?  This was “these folks take their guild seriously, but not TOO seriously.”  It made me laugh, and I immediately rolled up a character on ED.

Thus far?  I haven’t regretted it.  Everyone has been friendly and helpful.  One of the officers gave me a couple of 30-slot bags my first night, after I’d logged in at like 3am and somehow managed to get my OOC interview done bc another officer was up and active.  The GM did my IC interview and was friendly and funny and gave me some gold afterwards since I didn’t have any other characters on the server.  (that has changed – my altoholic ways haunt me still…)  I was invited the evening after I joined to do a little RP scene – one they had to specifically build around the fact they had to pick a place that would be safe for a bitty level 30 to be.  A few of the officers had apparently set up a server-wide event that i just missed the conclusion of by a couple of weeks, and last night they were doing a photo shoot of the guilds that had been involved, and when I mentioned they probably didn’t want me there because I hadn’t been there for the plot, they said I should come, to help represent the seventy third.

And, probably some of the most fun so far, on thursday night, we had military training.


It was mostly OOC – Bran (our GM) and a couple other folks are actual military veterans, and they wanted to give us a rundown on some things like proper address of officers and forming up and stuff, because it can add that little something extra to our RP.  Our base of operations is out in Westgard Keep, which was fun for me to get to as I was still pretty small.  I ran up the day before, to get the flight path, so all I’d need to do would be to catch the boat from Menethil and not have to risk dying to a rampaging shoveltusk.

Needless to say, I was pretty excited about THAT, too.  But yeah, we practiced forming up, managed to get our “Find the Captain and form up on him” time to 15 seconds (GO US), and got briefly bothered by some Horde RP-gankers who then got their asses handed to them repeatedly by the people who were actually high enough level to fight them.  (I was not one of them.  I mostly just died.  And also hid.)

ALL OF THESE WORDS (god I’m super wordy, aren’t I?) to say… I’m having fun.  I’m finding people to hang with and joke around with on teamspeak and RP with, and they’re being welcoming and wonderful, and I’m having FUN in the game again in a way I haven’t had in a long time – mostly because everyone I wanted to play with was doing their own thing that I wasn’t a part of.

Now I’m a part of something.  And that means a hell of a lot.


A brief interlude on memorability

Not to spam y’all but sorry apparently I have a lot of thoughts from the past 5 years to get out?  (Or I’m just in a thinky mood today)  I’ll probably try to leave the other post I’m working on for later in the week.

Anyway, earlier this morning, in a fit of slightly sleep-deprived nostalgia, I tweeted at a handful of my old (remaining) blogging circle, letting them know I still deeply appreciate the roles they played in my life 6-7 years ago.  I didn’t get everyone, and a lot of the people I wished I could tweet have been out of the scene (and off the twitters I knew) for years now, but it was all sappy and emotional and hopefully when they wake up and see those tweets, they’ll feel a little warm and fuzzy inside.

Then I went looking for old guildies from waaaay back when, the friend’s guild I had been in on Ysera before I hooked up with Apotheosis, the guild I’d been in when I’d first discovered my love of healing, and who actually GAVE me my fruity fruity nickname.  I thought I remembered Hano still had some friends from that guild in his current guild, so I looked him up, then looked at their guild roster.  I only recognized one name out of the many I skimmed – the guild leader.

It’s a newer guild that formed after some drama had apparently imploded the one I’d known, and one of the handful of guys I talked to semi-regularly had started a new guild with a lot of the same people.  I saw an oldish recruitment post that had his battle tag, and I added him on a whim, so that later today I could say “I’m sure you don’t remember me, but I have fond memories of being in a guild with you 7 years ago, and I just wanted to say hi and thanks for helping me out when I was a nub.”

What actually happened was he was already online, and after I did my whole “I’m sure you don’t remember me, I was a friend of Hano’s and played a dk named aislinn in your guild during wrath” speech, he said “of course i remember you!”

Of course.

I had never raided with these guys, I wasn’t SUPER social with most of them, and I was there probably less than a year total before I transferred Lisan over to E’T and largely left my dk to languish, and this was seven years ago.  And yet he “of course” remembered me.

Never underestimate your memorability, y’all.  Just because you feel like you couldn’t possibly have made an impact in some way doesn’t mean someone won’t remember you (and fondly!) anyway, almost a decade later.

I fucking love this game. :)

General · PvE

The times they are a’changing

It’s weird to think of how much this game has changed since I first started playing in late 2008.  Between 2008 and 2010 when I started blogging, I didn’t really notice any changes that were made – I wasn’t particularly great at playing the game, and I mostly just mashed buttons until things died and hoped for the best.

2010 was when I started paying attention.  Late 2009 I started reading WoW blogs, and in early 2010 I decided to make one of my own.  It’s never had much of a focus, being a distinctly PERSONAL blog vs many others that had a purpose of some sort, however odd or vague, but it was mine, and in it I documented my discovery of healing and how much I enjoyed it, my first foray into raiding, and a lot of the ridiculous stuff I got up to with my friends.  Even some of the community drama that went around got mention.

But man, looking back at my old posts I’m mostly struck by how much the game itself has changed.  Looking at Lis and how even in +int heirlooms (the cloth chest and shoulders, bc it was SO EXPENSIVE to get heirlooms at all) she was regularly stopping to drink during dungeons – these days on the rare occasions I heal (though I’m trying to get back to it), when I’m wearing heirloom gear it’s rare to actually need to PAUSE, let alone drink.

Looking at when I helped Megs (the ever lovely @whatsatotem) take down Attum the Hunter and she didn’t get the mount, but I got a nice cloak that lowered my int a tiny bit but gave me mp5 that was worth it bc i needed that mana regen, because spirit wasn’t a thing yet.

Talking about how levelling Lisan from 1-80, largely through dungeons (which gave quicker XP gains, especially if you were a tank or a healer and thus rarely had a proper queue) took me six months, despite almost exclusively playing her, because the XP gains for former end-game content (45ish-60, 60-70) and current end-game content (70-80) was so much slower than the same ranges are now.  (in contrast, I am over halfway to level 80 on my warrior that I rolled literally 3 days or so ago.)

I know there’s a lot of talk in some circles about how the game is too easy these days.  I don’t know about end-game content as I haven’t been active in endgame since mid-Cata (and even then it was just heroic 5-mans, not raiding), but as far as the game on the whole, honestly?  Yeah, I think it is, but I also think it’s a good thing.

Seriously, like… yes, I think endgame things like raiding and level-cap dungeons and so forth should be challenging (and have multiple difficulties like heroic/mythic/etc for people who need even MORE of a challenge) bc that’s the point of those things.  But just playing the game?  Levelling and questing and picking your stats?  That shouldn’t be hard.

And it was hard before, at least if you didn’t have all the requisite knowledge of the tropes and conventions that were the foundation for World of Warcraft, make no mistake.  Remember talent trees?  Before they were phased out entirely (which i’m completely neutral on honestly – I like the new system but the old way didn’t bother me in and of itself) they had simplified it and added a little tutorial thingy when it unlocked.  And I was so glad for that, because it meant that no one would be in the position I was in once upon a time: with absolutely no idea what you were supposed to do and no one to give you advice, and putting points willy-nilly into ALL THREE TREES because that meant you’d be sort of an all-around median rather than specialized, and that was good for levelling… right?

It’s easier to figure out what stats a class uses and what stats they don’t, which is great because that way it’s less likely that you’ll get someone like baby 2008 apple playing for the first time as a warrior, looking at the stats and saying “well intelligence says it improves mana, which is what you use for spells and abilities, but i don’t have mana, so I guess it must improve my rage!” and proceeding to wear int leather and mail.

It’s also easier to not die, which I see as a good thing, especially for inexperienced and new players, or players who have disabilities of some sort that make it hard for them to have super-snappy reflexes.  It lowers the threshold for failure and allows for more people to be able to enjoy it.  Like… yeah, it lowers it for everyone because unlike a single-player game, you can’t have one person playing on nightmare difficulty while another plays narrative difficulty, but like… why shouldn’t the person who wants something easy and low-stress be allowed to play?  There are places for the nightmare difficulty people – it’s called endgame mythic raiding.  And if that’s not hard enough… idk, lower the quality of everyone’s gear so you have to try harder?

Maybe it’s a controversial opinion these days, I honestly don’t know, but by and large I am happy with the changes Blizzard has made to WoW to make it more accessible and fun for people who aren’t necessarily able to play above casual mode.

The game has changed a lot.  Sometimes I miss how it used to be – if I had the chance to timewalk an entire server back to Wrath days, I probably would take the option for nostalgia alone.  But in the end… I kind of like the changes I’ve seen, and I’ll judge the rest of it when I come to it. :)


Nostalgia and a Plan

Hello friends and followers! aka probably the 3 (i’m being optimistic) people who will notice this post go up because I’m somehow still on your blogroll that you somehow still actually check.

So way back in the early spring of 2010, I started a blog. It was a little blog, it wasn’t anything fancy, but I was making friends on twitter and on other Warcraft blogs (which were a pretty common sight at the time) and I wanted to be part of the Cool Kid’s Club.

I don’t know if I ever was, tbh, but I definitely had some cool-ass friends, and it was great. After about a year of blogging and having fun with it, I actually got my own website! It was an exciting moment, and I had a lot of fun with it, and I continued blogging for a while… until my hosting ran out and I didn’t actually have the money to keep paying it. Which was probably okay, because I hadn’t posted in months, and really a lot of my favorite blogs were also slowly dying off it seemed like, and I wasn’t really playing anymore, so it made sense.

In 2014 I briefly (and far-too-optimistically) said I was back!!! It was GREAT!!!! I made… one post.


So it’s been seven years since I first created this blog. It was the light of my life for a while, and there were so many good WoW blogs for me to follow, and people commented on my posts and I commented on theirs and I was ALL OVER twitter like all the time…

Well, things have obviously changed in seven years. I’m pretty sure the phenomenon of the WoW Blog has fallen largely by the wayside – obviously there still are some, but most of the ones I’ve seen still operating are meant for raiders. I don’t know of anybody just posting about what they’re doing, maybe writing a little fiction, complaining about the dungeon finder, and excited when they reach a new milestone. I mean, hell, maybe they’re out there and I just don’t know about them, but most of the blogs I loved are gone.

Not all of them, of course. Rades over at Orcish Army Knife hasn’t QUITE given up the ghost, it seems (though his last post was in November of last year). Kurn’s blog still exists, though it seems to mostly be guides and also hasn’t updated since November. From Draenor With Love has ended, Manalicious hasn’t updated since 2015, Big Bear Butt posted his goodbyes in February, and most of the blogs I used to follow had been gone by the time I briefly tried to come back in 2014 tbh.

Which brings me to the ever-important question: what am I doing posting here? I’ve spent 450 words giving you a history lesson in my own personal blogging history (some of which you probably already know) and I have no point. I’ve not even really talked about WoW, just WoW blogging, and that’s not really the same, is it?

Well, I don’t know. I think I mostly just missed this. I missed my blog. I missed having a place to ramble about things that my wife doesn’t particularly care about and I don’t feel like echoing back and forth with my partner. I missed having a reason to try weird things in order to have something to talk about. Twitter is great and all, but it’s so short form, and you can tell I like words, right?

My plan from here on in is to try to blog about WoW as long as I’m playing it. That may not last long – I don’t have a lot of spare funds these days, and no real focus. I don’t have a guild to talk to and most of my friends who used to play rarely do anymore, if at all. I’m not raiding, I’m not usually running dungeons, I’m not doing any sort of end game content. But I still love the world. I still love the game, and I’m still creating and playing characters who might have something to say in fiction. I might post most of my screenshots on twitter these days, but you can’t stop me from reposting them here and writing little stories about them if I want. ;)

So here I am. I’m still Apple, all these years later. And this is my WoW blog.

Obviously posting here again won’t recreate the community that I adored, but I’m hoping that maybe some of you will follow my rambling anyway.